Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Want more updates??

Want more updates on the joy of motherhood? Hooked up to my main bloggy at The Squishy Cheeks!
Tata .................. blessed days ahead!! =D

Monday, October 3, 2011

The Popping Story!

Before 23 Sept 2011
Occasional menses cramp, on and off and increases from 1 time a day to 3 times a day. Nothing to be "alarmed" of at this moment...

23 Sept 2011 - Thursday
Looking forward for the Sri Rampai pasar malam but the pasar malam was abolished. I wonder why. Disappointed, went home empty handed and got ourselves prepared for cell group. Realised that there were cramps and it didn't go off. Just got myself confused between cramps and contractions. Are they the same? Is it just Braxton Hicks contractions? But, I felt a bit "funny" like something is not right. Since the cramps were still bearable, we went to cell group happily and I felt a bit of loss concentration because of the cramps that didn't go off and it contracts every 30mins. Cell members prayed for our gal and yes, my feet were so swollen. After cell group, I was still in pain and voila, I got the "bloody show" which means labor is anytime from now! Since this was our first baby, and the cramps didn't go off .. we got a lil of panicky and grabbed our hospital bags and here we were, at SDMC checking in at 11:45pm, on 23 Sept 2011. Was strapped on the CTG to monitor the contractions and baby's heartbeat... everything was ok, and since I was only 1.5cm dilated, Dr Lee decided to send me home and wait for more intense contractions/closer intervals.

The first CTG done on 23 Sept and everything went well.... thought we could meet our gal the next day, but we were sent home. LOL.

24 Sept 2011 - Friday
The cramps didn't go off since the bloody show and I could hardly sleep at night because of the pain. The cramps were more intense in the middle of the night compared to day time. Sometimes it will cramp for every 15mins and if I'm lucky, every 1 hour. But this 1 hour thingy will only happen during daytime. So, on Friday morning.. we decided to visit Dr Lee for a consultation since the pain is quite unbearable. We checked in the clinic at 12pm and I was only 2cm dilated. What a slow labor.. and Dr Lee decided not to induce earlier but let it go really naturally. So, I have to endure! For how many days, not sure! Ok, I requested for MC until 28 Sept, the actual day that we set for induce if baby is still so comfortable in the oven.

26 Sept 2011 - Monday
I was suffering from the all day cramps since 23 Sept 2011 and on Monday, 26 Sept, I called Dr Lee again and requested to induce on 27 Sept instead of 28 Sept, since the pain was already quite unbearable. It got really intense in the middle of the night and when it contracts, I actually had to take a really deep breath and curl up my body or I quickly check on Facebook to get distracted from the pain. This goes on for the whole night and day time, it usually contracts every hour. Unfortunately, Dr Lee was quite tied up on 27; he has 2 surgeries on the day and he has consultation at Taman Megah. No choice, waiting time again....

27 Sept 2011 - Tuesday
We had our appointment on this day to check on the dilation and also the admission at night, 7.30pm. I can hardly walk already on this day because of the cramps. Super crampy!! In my mind.. I was just a bit afraid of the actual labor day because I knew for sure it will be super x100000 more pain than what I was feeling at the moment. Dr Lee checked on dilation again and this time, he said he can touch the baby's head. My heart almost cried when I heard that. Excited and yet a bit of scared. Mixed feelings! But, opening was still 2cm. We do not have to admit on the night, but go to labor room on 28 Sept, 7.30am for induce! Looking at my painful condition, Dr Lee gave some words of comfort... one of it was this "Where got women give birth not pain wan" LOL. I almost laughed when I heard that.

Since we don't have to admit at night, we decided to stay somewhere nearby the hospital so that we can have a good rest before the war tomorrow. We checked in to Dorsett Hotel Subang and it's so convenient. Only behind of SDMC. Cramps got more intense about 7pm onwards and I seriously feel like crying at that time. Super painful!!! Since hotel has bath tub, I soaked myself in warm water and it helps a lot on reducing the pain of the cramps.

28 Sept 2011 - Wednesday
1am ..... The pain was already unbearable, super unbearable and it cramps every 15mins, very intense cramps. At this point, they were no longer called cramps but I would call them CONTRACTIONS! Super super super pain contractions.
2am ..... I cried in pain while Justin was soundly asleep. =.= I woke him up and said, "I really really cannot tahan. Very painful!" He opened his eyes and asked, "Why yeah, contractions ar" and then dozed offf. Sigh.... He fell asleep without listening to me. So fine, I decided to soak myself in hot water again... but this time, even hot water did not help AT ALL! The contractions were too intense that I cried everytime it contracts. Surfing Facebook also does not help. Login to MSN, but no one was online at that time.
4am ..... Contractions came every 5 mins and I was supposed to check in to the hospital already. But I decided to wait a lil longer, let the daddy to be sleep more. Walked around in the hotel room and try to ease the pain. Everytime it contracts, I bend down and curled my body. It was not easy......
5am ...... At tis time, I seriously cannot tahan and almost fainted when it contracts. Cried until no tears. Thought I could wait until 7.30am for the initial plan. But, I knew it was time to go to the hospital before I couldn't walk at all. I even felt the urge to push when contractions came. I took my last bath before checking in to the hospital. Finished my bath and woke Justin up and this time, I really woke him up! He jumped off the bed and quickly get prepared. I had a quick breakfast, milo + bread.
6am ... checking out from hotel and I can't even stand up. One of the hotel worker looked at my condition and asked if everything is ok. In my heart, of course no ... I'm going to labor soon.
6.15am .... arrived at labor room and I was crying like crazy. Couldn't even answer the questions queried by the midwife. Got myself changed, got hooked to the CTG again and I was already 5cm dilated!!! 5cm.................... so, that was the reason why I was in so intense pain! Requested for injection at the butt to reduce the pain.... and looks like it didn't help much. Requested for laughing gas also and at each contractions, I sucked the gas.
7am .... 6cm dilated. And I did not have to induce as planned... it came naturally, so naturally! And baby even decided to come out on her own the day that we've planned to induce. So sweet....
8am ... Dr Lee was supposed to come in at this time to check on me, but thanks to the explosion at Empire Subang which made him got stucked in the jam and he arrived at about 8.30am. He broke the waterbag to speed up the labor. I can feel very warm gush of water flowing after the snipping.....
9am .... 7cm dilated.
10am .... 8cm dilated... and I really cannot bear the pain. Regretted that I didn't request for epidural and at this point, I was thinking of just request for csect. LOL. Funny me!! Still got 2 more cm to go before I can start pushing ... hopefully dilate fast.
11am .... Midwife checked and still 8cm. I was almost breathless at this point of time because of the pain. Dr Lee decided to drip IV to speed up the labor.
11.30am .... 9cm, already felt like pushing but I was not allowed to push. Antenatal class breathing technique helps, the one that they taught on not to push.
11.45am.... finally, 10cm and it was time to PUSH!! So many nurses surrounded me and at each contractions, everyone of them will shout 1,2,3 PUSH!! Hold your breath again and PUSH. I asked the midwife if can vacuum out the baby because I was reallyyyyy tired and breathless and no energy. But baby's head was still quite deep inside and it will be dangerous to vacuum. No choice, 1,2,3 PUSH again. After 4-5 pushes, I can feel the baby's head was almost out... but where's my DOC??? I felt so much urge to push out our baby but I can't because Dr Lee was still not ready. He still had consultation upstairs and the nurse was calling/chasing him to come quickly. Finally, Dr Lee arrived and he quickly prepare for the baby's arrival. And at the final contraction, I pushed out our baby's head ... and I heard Dr Lee said, "Ooopss, shoulder stucked" Dr Lee adjusted a little and I can feel the shoulder was out, and then body and finally ... our baby was placed on my tummy! Immediately, all pain gone!

The very intense contractions ...

Our baby gal, Ashlynn was born at SDMC, weighing 3.02kg, 48cm at 12:13pm!! Our heartthrob!

Our precious gal .................. =D

The Bump @ 38 Weeks

Here's the last pic of baby bump at 38 weeks!! Our baby will be arriving soon, reallllll sooonnnn!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Gynae Visit at 38 Weeks

Baby seems to love the womb as there is still no signs of labour. Hehe.. Anyway, we had our checkup at 38 weeks and unfortunately, I'm still not dilated. So, we've set the date for induce, 28 Sept if there are still no signs of labour. And hopefully, this induce works for me and I don't have to go through any c-sect. Let's pray and believe for the natural!!

Baby is doing fine, but since baby is getting bigger.. it can't fit the scan and thus, the measurement of weight no longer accurate, and is just merely an estimation. The gynae tried to measure the weight, but looks like it has reduced from 3.1 kg to 2.9kg. Nothing to worry about, since the measurement is always (+)(-).

So, let's hope for a better result this Sat at 39 weeks that I'm going for the natural!! =)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gynae Visit at 37 Weeks

Thank God that it's now full term! Baby is growing well and she put on a very good amount of weight which is 3129gm and she's now measuring 37 weeks 1 day on the scan whereby we should be 37 weeks 2 days. Amniotic fluid content is great and baby has a very happy heartbeat! Baby is head down as well, a very good position for natural birth. All is well with our baby and indeed, we are both proud parents!!

And in this week's checkup, one of the not-so-fun part is when our gynae checked for dilation. Well, it's still closed but the checking moment is soooooo uncomfortable and not-syok. I've been thinking, labour pain will be 100times more painful and uncomfortable than this. LOLLL.

Anyway, we've discussed that we will not go beyond the due date. If baby is still very comfortable inside when we're supposed to due, we will get induced. Hopefully there's no need to induce because we want the experience of a real natural birth, except for the help of epidural (most probably I would need it).

So, the next checkup will be in 38 weeks and hopefully, I'm dilated!!! XD

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thanks to Washing Machine!

And finally, I got my working spirit up on the treadmill and I unpacked all the new baby clothes, baby cot bumpers, comforters, blankets, towels, napkins and dump them all in the washing machine! We bought some baby clothes hanger as well so that it will be easier to hang our baby clothes. Well, this is only part 1 of washing because I can't fit them all in the washing machine. Total rounds of washing = 6 times! Wow...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Bump @ 36 Weeks

And how much I've slacked in taking bump pictures! So here's one at 36 weeks.. after a longggggg absence on bump updates! Kekeke......

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nancy Playpen

We were hunting for a cheap, affordable and yet solid playpen so that we can use this when we are back in Swan/Banting. We started to look around at Twins Baby but we were not that happy with the price. It's super expensive. RM500 for a whole set of playpen with mattress. It's not worth it since we won't be using it everyday, but only occasionally. So, we decided to hunt around again and this time, we headed to Parkson. Hopefully they sell cheap playpen. We found one which is quite affordable, RM310 with mattress. Still cheaper compared to the twins baby. Looking at all the materials, they look the same. Due to no stock available... we went to Jusco. And yes, we found the cheapest playpen, RM199 without mattress and add on with mattress, it cost RM270. Ain't it a good bargain? Luckily the one in parkson is out of stock, otherwise we could have already purchased it. This sweet cherry brand looks solid as well and it's the lightest among all, since we will be using this for travel.

Nicely packed in a bag..

The color matches well with our green carpet! XD

And here's how they packed them till that small...

After fixing, this is how it looks!

No diaper change board, but it doesn't matter cause I won't be using it anyway. Satisfied with this purchase since we are looking for a not-so-expensive occasionally used playpen. =D

Gynae Visit at 36 weeks!

Everything went great on our checkup at 36 weeks, 3 Sept. The amniotic fluid content is sufficient, baby's position is really good, head down and our baby's heartbeat is so healthy and strong. A very happy heartbeat! Love her so much!

And we will be seeing our gynae weekly from now on as we are getting closer and closer. Excited! Braxton-Hicks has been kicking in since 32 weeks and it's getting more regular from 1 time a day to 3 times a day.. morning, afternoon and night. Diarrhea seems to be increasing as well.. so, all these symptoms means it will be soon? Hehehe.....

Above all, we thank you for all your prayers and ultimately, we just can't stop thanking our Creator for holding us through till today and the victory is ours! =D

Can't wait for the next checkup at 37 weeks because I will know if I'm dilated! I wish I am ..... hahaha. =D

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Gynae Visit at 34 Weeks

So, how much our baby has grown in this 34 weeks? We went for checkup on the 20 Aug and our baby is now 2.4kg! She's getting heavier which is a plus point because I just want her to gain more weight... and scan is showing that she's 34 weeks 1 day! 1 extra day is a bonus point as well, if you refer to my previous post in our last checkup, she was 1 week behind and now, she's right on track again. Perhaps it's the measurement that affects all these. Anyway, the scan is just an estimation and do not believe too much in it, but believe in your own baby instead. =)

Well, every visit the doc will surely ask me this question "A lot of ppl say your tummy small ah".. As usual, my answer is YESSSSSS! I don't look like as if I'm giving birth next month, and most people said I looked like 6 mths pregnant. LOL. Anyway, the most important thing is that our baby is growing well inside and everything is so "Padat and berisi" inside. And I asked the doc this question, "So, what is inside those people that has big tummy?" He answered, "All fat, layers of fat!" Which makes me laugh... haha. At least, it will be much more easier for me to go back to the original weight/tummy size after delivery. Ain't it good? So, don't worry too much if you're in the same situation as me, as long as our baby inside is growing healthily and the measurement on the scan says it all ... =D

So, the next checkup will be on 36 weeks and then ... we will be meeting our doc every week, which means the time is near.................. wow, we've left with only 37 days! How fast time passed!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Ice Cream!!

I've missed the mommma bump for few weeks and thus, here's one at 32 weeks! I know I shouldn't be standing right in front of this Gelato Fruit shop, but I just couldn't resist. As in I really need a real cooling food badly in my mouth. If my colleagues saw this, they will definitely have no-comments cause they've warned me NOT TO TAKE ICE CREAM/COLD DRINKS DURING MY ENTIRE PREGNANCY. I find this a bit torturing, but for baby's good health, I've avoided them as much as I can.. only once a week if I really "have to". Hehehe....

Can you see my puffy meaty sausage fingers? Hehe...

We're now in the 33 weeks, 7 more weeks to due date and 4 more weeks to full term! Woowwww. =D

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Our baby is a future gymnast!!

Whoaaaa...... I truly truly trulyyyyyyyyyyy loves it when our baby girl doing her somersaults and gymnastics inside! All these gymnastic movements are quite strong and actually pressed on my bladder which makes me sometimes cannot control my pee and almost leak out... but luckily I have strong muscles! Hehehe... Well, should have done more Kegel exercise. And I've started diligently on my Kegel exercise today... this morning I've accomplished 25 times of 5 seconds each. 75 more times to go before I complete the mission for the day. 100 times for everyday to strengthen the muscles so that during and after pregnancy, you will have strong urination muscles.

Our baby girl is such an awesome girl.... love it so much when she moves actively and well, she might be a future gymnast! I've been counting on our baby's movements as well and I've recognized her sleeping and waking up pattern. It's every quarter! She wakes up and moves actively at 9am, 12pm, 3pm, 6pm and 9pm. Love it so much!! Our precious baby girl!! *loves* *loves* =))))))

Gynae Visit at 32 Weeks

We had a great checkup at 32 weeks on 6 Aug 2011. Unfortunately, our baby is measuring only 31 weeks 5 days when we were supposed to be in 32 weeks 2 days. This measurement was not BPD but the tummy's circumference. Am I eating not enuf, kinda sad when I saw that because all these while, our baby is 1 week ahead of actual date. Tummy looks small as well, but with the assurance from the gynae, our baby is growing right on track and her weight and size is average. My weight gain is perfect as well, only gained 9kg at 32 weeks which the gynae is happy about. Fluid content looks great too and all is well. Thank you Lord.

The next checkup will be on 20 Aug at 34 weeks. We have 8 more weeks to go till due date! =DDD

We finished our antenatal classes on 6 Aug as well and we've learnt really a lot.

So here are some of the summary on the breathing exercise during labour.
1) Not so pain contractions - Take deep breath, and blow out with a round cheek 3 times.. long duration.
2) Very pain contractions - Take deep breath, and blow out with a round cheek 3 times.. very fast!
3) Don't push - "like dog panting" Ha! Ha! Ha!

I think these are important.. hopefully I remember them when the real labour starts! Kekeke...

Oh Yeah... and heartburn is getting worst. Not fun at all when I keep on waking in the middle of the night due to the acid burning all the way up from stomach to throat. I've already avoided spicy food (which I love the most) and also oily food, but still terrible feeling. Dr Lee gave me a solution which is "Gaviscon Advance" but doesn't seem to help much. Anyway, few more weeks ... a lil bit more.... a lil bit more! To be precise... 8 more weeks to go! =DDDD

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Gynae Visit at 30 Weeks

Hoorrayy!! We've reached 30 weeks and this means we have 7 more weeks to full term and 10 more weeks to due date! Can you smell and feel the excitement??? We had our 30 weeks 2 days checkup at SDMC on 23 July and everything went so well.

But for the past few days, I developed the dizzy and giddy spell again and we decided to try out Gleneagles at Ampang through this. We went for Gleneagles on 21 July and visited Dr Alex. If we are comfortable with him, we might just stick to Gleneagles and stop going SDMC due to the distance. But after the first visit, I made up my mind that I still feel more comfortable with Dr Lee in SDMC. Furthermore, G is slightly more expensive, the checkup cost us RM150 on that day where else the checkup at S only cost RM68. Ain't it a big difference? Perhaps the scanning machine in G is more hi-tech and latest? Furthermore, the delivery package in G is more expensive. So, we will be traveling to Subang when it's time! Very soon!! =D While we were scanning in G, I almost teared when I saw my baby's face. She's so cute.......... her sleeping position is so heart-melting that her hands are positioned at the side of her face as if she's deeply in sleep. She got a very pretty cute baby face.... I just can't wait for her to arrive and let's see if she looks more like mommy or daddy. Hehehe....

And on the same week, 23 Jul Sat, we went to SDMC for our routine checkup. Our baby is now measuring 31 weeks (1 week ahead) and is now 1589gm. Our baby is growing so well and our gynae is pleased with everything! Everything ....... the placenta's location is perfect, the amount of fluid is great, baby is head down, baby's weight is ideal, mommy's weight is ideal as well (only gain 7.2kg) ......... everything is good, perfect, great and awesome! All glory to our Heavenly Father that His gifts are so perfect and wonderful. Thank you Lord!

We signed up for Antenatal class which cost RM310 and to our surprised, our first lesson will start on the same day. We are not prepared because we thought we still have few weeks to go, but according to her schedule, we signed up too late and most of the slots are full. Either we have to start the course immediately or attend the class on Fri instead of Sat, or no more! Classes start from 2.30-5.30pm and luckily it isn't that boring. Hehe...

We're now scheduled for checkup every 2 weeks and the next checkup will be on 6 Aug. =)

Thursday, July 14, 2011

The Bump @ 27 Weeks

Finally this bump reveals herself!!! And many people were just so careful whenever they walked near me.... hehehe. Happy!!!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Gynae Visit at 27 weeks - She never fails to put a smile on my face!

The caption explains it all.... she never fails to put a smile on my face everytime she dances or doing somersault in my belly! I just love it when she moves a lot and sometimes when I stare at my belly, I can see all the tickling that she makes and my belly will move left/right. So cute! I love her more......

We went for our 27 weeks 2 days checkup last Sat (2 July 2011) and everything was great! We have a happy and active baby growing inside of us and she's doing just so great... The amniotic fluid content is so sufficient as well. And everything is perfect, growing nicely and our baby's head is on the left's tummy and her legs are on the right... and good news is that our baby is measuring 28 weeks when we were supposed to be in 27 weeks only! Nice... which means we might have our baby out 1 week earlier? kekeke...

What I miss now is sleeping on my back .... and I think our baby doesn't like it when I sleep on my left/right. She will give few hard kicks as if I'm disturbing her space and makes her home smaller. I decided to move a little so that it doesn't press hard on the left/right tummy, and she stopped kicking!! It's fun to play with my baby ..... can't wait for her arrival!! Muackssss.......... =)

We only left with 86 days!! A little bit more baby.........

In all these..... ALL GLORY TO GOD!! =D

Thursday, June 30, 2011

The Bump @ 25 Weeks

All I can say is a big shout of "Thank you Lord!!!!!" Our baby has grown so much and she's getting active! Love my precious lotsssssssss ............. =D

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Chinese Names for baby

We've already got Christian name for our gal and the only headache for now is choosing chinese names. It can be really really tough ..... because we are not chinese educated and I can only rely on my dad/friends that can help.

Anyway, I googled and found these few interesting sites that you can refer for chinese names.







And these are the few names that we've list down with good meanings.

Ming = Shining
Zhi = Nature, character, wisdom
Xin = Elegant, beautiful
zhuo = outstanding, brilliant
wei - valuable, brilliant
Jing - gold, elegant, pure
Ru - Scholar

Happy Choosing names for your precious!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Gynae Visit at 24 weeks - Detail Scan

We had our 24 weeks detail scan checkup at Subang Women's Specialist Centre on 11 June and everything was great! We got a CD burnt with pictures and videos of our baby and the total cost of Detail Scan checkup is RM270. This scan checks on our baby's development and all her internal organs like kidney, heart, stomach, bloodflow from mommy to baby through the cord and many more. Thank God, everything went well with the scan and we saw how our baby has grown from a tiny dot to a complex being. Our God is great, isn't He? When I looked at the scan of our baby's four chambers heart beats at such a consistent rate, I almost teared and I'm just so amazed at what God has done throughout this entire 24 weeks. I just can't stop thanking God in my heart when the sonographer said words like "this is baby's kidney, left kidney and here is the right kidney".. this is your baby's stomach... this is the nose, the lips, the eyes..etc.. all these marvelous words are just so good to hear and God has been so great! Our baby is perfect!!

Oh yes, we confirmed that our baby is a SHE! Awww, I've already imagined her dressed up in pink and purple. She will definitely look so pretty... I just can't stop imagining which part of her will resemble either me or Justin. Fun! We were so excited and can't wait for her arrival in Sept.

Our baby now weighs 626gm at 24 weeks 2 days and the u/s scan measures our baby at 24 weeks 6 days. We were relieved knowing that our baby is growing right on track because of my cute tummy. Most of my friends said I still look small and I don't look like as if I'm in my 6th months. Anyway, most importantly, our baby is growing on the right track, not too big or not too small... average! Another bonus point for us ... we are indeed the happiest parents of the day! =D

I'll try to find some time to take the pictures of the u/s scan because we don't have scanner at home and I will upload them all, from the 8 weeks to 24 weeks..... 3 more weeks to go and we will enter the 3rd trimester! God is so good....... we'll be having the next checkup on 2 July 2011 and after this we will be scheduled on a 2 weeks once visit! Nice ...... thank you Lord!

Monday, June 13, 2011

The Bump @ 24 Weeks

Time is moving pretty fast and I like it! We are in 24 weeks and this week Thurs, we will hit the 25 weeks........ awesome! God is good!!

Friday, June 10, 2011

6 Months!!!

We just couldn't believe that we have reached the 6th months mark and a big clap to our Father in Heaven, to our baby, to our parents and yes, to this new parents to be! Beginning of July we will be entering our 3rd trimester and it's gonna be fun because first of all, I believe everyone will say I'm huge and no one will say I look small, or I have a cute tummy .... and secondly, at the last month of our 3rd trimester, we will be counting down for the arrival of our baby! Yippiee..... it's fun fun fun! I just can't wait for Hari Raya because that will be the time we will get ready for the arrival of our baby, do some cleaning, wash all the curtains, clear off every dusts and most importantly, a dust free home when our princess steps in. =D

At 6th months, I still don't look really huge.. but this size is still just nice for me to go around shopping. I've not bought any maternity wear yet except for 2 maternity pants. But I've bought lots of baby clothes. So cute that I really couldn't resist. I've stopped buying all girly pinky baby wear, but widen my purchase scope to more blueish yellowish greenish boyish unisex baby wear.

Every morning when I wake up, I will always check on my baby's movement and wish to feel my baby kicks before I prepare for work. Most of the time she won't. And I noticed our baby's sleeping schedule.. she loves to sleep till after I had my breakfast and gives few kicks after the breakfast! This was fun .... and I love it when she kicks.

She's such an amazing baby and we just couldn't wait for her arrival ... Thank you Lord! 3 more months to go ..... fasterrrrr ! =D

Friday, June 3, 2011

The Bump @ 23 Weeks

Lazy bug just hit me recently I just don't feel like doing anything .. including taking regular bump pics. Hehe.... This is 23 weeks and taken before work! It's Friday today, so it's a Yippie day! It's getting bigger and am excited!! So excited for the big bump... big bump = big baby!! =D

Thursday, May 26, 2011

I love Her!

I love her so much that I really can't wait for her arrival this Sept! I wish time flies so fast during this pregnancy that zooom, and it's Sept. Shopping for baby clothes are so fun and I just couldn't resist all the girly pinky purplish rompers. They are so pretty even with just a stamp of butterfly or flower. But, my conscious mind told me to get more unisex wear so that our next baby can wear if is a he. It's hard to resist especially when the girl's clothes are so cute.

Words really can't describe how much I adore this baby and how much I really treasure every moment of this pregnancy. Every kicks that she made lights up my day and sometimes I will go crazy if she didn't kick much for half a day. I quickly hold my breath, try to move around so that she wakes up and kicks but sometimes silent. At days, she can be so quiet for the whole day and I can only feel some faint movements. I try not to worry much, perhaps she's just tired or she's not in the mood to kick but she wants more rest. Well, at days we are tired and don't feel like talking or just feel like sleeping. That's the same to baby too... they have moods! I read in the net and some even said that baby moves lesser when they are developing! So, no worries mom .... on the day she moves lesser which means she's GROWING! Some cells are developing that she needs more rest and sleep to make sure they grow faster and complete.... How comfort these words are. Worry less, commit the development phase to God because He's the Creator! And God said that the work that He has started, He shall make it into completion.... hallelujah!

Praise God, we have now reach the 22 weeks and 18 more weeks to go .... looking back at how God brought us through this far, we just can't stop thanking God for his blessings, grace and mercy and He answers our prayer, the desire of our hearts and He is good all the time. It is easy to praise God when things go along our way, but we've learnt on persistent prayers and never give up hope on God because in hard times, He's building us to persevere , persistent in our prayers and the expansion of our faith. Indeed, He's preparing us to be strong mom and dad to our kids through all these expansions. Thank you Lord!

18 more weeks to go and we've been reading up materials on how to care for newborn, what to do and what not to do. There are still lotsa planning to do and we are truly excited! So excited .... =D I can't stop smiling everytime when my gal kicks.... all I can say is I LOVE HER SO MUCH!

We've already got a Christian name for her --------- ASHLYNN NG. I felt so attached when I first saw this name. Ashlynn means Vision of God from Biblical point of view and if you're searching through the net, it means Dream. Well, this baby gal of ours is indeed the vision that God has given to us, and she will grow up living and walking in the vision that God has placed for her and all her dreams, will be according to the vision of God, glorify the Creator's name and she will dream big Dreams! I like how the vision of God and dream connect to each other. She's our precious baby gal .... living and growing in the vision of God.

Now, we are still deciding on the chinese name because there is the generation list to follow. Hopefully the chinese name will flow along with her Christian name because my mandarin is kosong. LOL. My dad shall help me out in this ....... =D

Thursday, May 19, 2011

The Bump @ 20 weeks

And so here was the bump at 20 weeks 2 days when we were preparing for the 20 weeks checkup! Is it more visible now? Hehe.... XD

From the front view, it looks like a half-blown balloon.... haha. =D

Monday, May 16, 2011

Gynae Visit at 20 weeks - Grow baby Grow!

Thank you Lord!! We had our 20 weeks 2 days checkup on 14 May 2011 and good job to our lil gal, she's growing on the right track! She's now measuring 20 weeks 6 days, 4 days in advance! A huge accomplishment that we are now left with only 20 more weeks to go.

Our baby was shy on that day that she decided to cross her legs. But our gynae had a quick glimpse on the gender before she decided to cross her legs. It might be a SHE. So, it's double confirmed that it's a she for now. I've purchased many pinky clothes for her and they are so cute!! XD

Everything was good on the checkup and we got a good news, the placenta is already moving to upper position so our gynae said that natural birth shouldn't be a problem. Thank you Lord.... we can't wait to meet our baby gal! And she's already been kicking alot... I can feel them even when I'm standing! The feeling was so great that I know she's doing so well inside.. Finally, this pregnancy has been revealing itself... with the growing tummy and kicking baby inside! Awesome... =)

The next checkup will be on 24 weeks, 11 June 2011 at Subang Medical Specialist for Fetal Anatomy Scan which cost RM270.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

I just can't stop smiling...... =D

I just can't stop smiling looking at all our purchases for our darling gal. I felt so good, happy and excited... All I can say is I really can't wait for her arrival!

And today, 12 May 2011, we've hit the 20 weeks! Which means we are already halfway through the amazing pregnancy journey. 20 more weeks to go before we meet our lil gal. Usually I would not count in the month of Sept because that will be the month of waiting for labour. Hehe.... to make it short, we only left with 3.5 months! If you ask if I'm already ready, I would say YESSSSS!!

All of these, we know we can't go on this far if it's not because of:

Our BIG God in Heaven! Thank you Lord,
- for being with us throughout this 20 weeks and we believe for greater 20 weeks ahead of us, and the rest of days to come with our precious
- for showering this family with your abundant blessings, grace and mercy
- for this life that you have entrusted us with.
- for this wonderful creation, that our darling is wonderfully and fearfully made!
- for placing a healthy, lively, active, strong baby in our midst.
- for protecting our baby, securing this pregnancy and holding this entire family.
- that you are always with us, never leave us nor forsake us, you are a faithful God and you answer ALL our prayers!

Our Parents! Thank you,
- for the unlimited stocks of chicken essence, kampung chicken, expensive fish, meat, fruits
- for the advice, concern, and PRAYERS!
- for the financial support!

Justin! Thank you,
- for the encouragement of "Don't worry"
- for helping out with house chores : sweeping, mopping, washing toilet, settling the laundry, etc
- for being an ALL-TIME available driver
- for being understanding whenever I'm not in the mood/tired and you really understand the pregnancy and by all means to protect our baby

- Thanks for all the prayers, support, encouragement and advices!!

Many more words to say and I'm so grateful to all these wonderful people that God has placed in our lives. We have the 2nd half of journey to go, 20 more weeks and God is with us, always and forever. =)

This Sat will be fun as well because we will be seeing our baby again!! Hooraayyy!! Love you soooooo much baby!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Mom & Baby Expo 2011!

Knowing that we will be heading to the mom & baby expo on 7th May at Midvalley, I barely can sleep at night. Woke up few times to pee and then I can't fall asleep because I know it is going to be an exciting day of "treasure hunt". Look, Compare and Purchase! Booomm..... there will be holes in our pockets as well because we've decided to make our nursery room COMPLETE all at ONCE! The whole concept of this is to purchase and pay everything few months before the arrival of our baby. Up to date, we still have 4-5 months before meeting our darling and that will be the months available for us to save up for delivery! Yeappieee....... And to summarize, our nursery room is fully "furnished" when we're at 19 weeks! That's really early! Haha!

We arrived at 10am and thought it started at 10am, but it only began at 10.30am.

The stage whereby competition after competitions will be held.

Look at our purchases!!! Guess how much we have spent in ONE day!

Combi Stroller and Car Seat ....

And Justin had a tough time carrying all these items to our house. At least there is basement parking in our condo.

The free gifts in the goodies bag ... can't believe there are so many goodies!!

And we shall begin our CALCULATION here. Let's see how much we have spent in one day! =DD

This is the new brand of diapers and they sell for only RM20 per pack! Super cheap..... we bought 1S, 3M and 2L. Not sure how good is this new brand but I did ask one of the moms there and she said it's good for her son. Hopefully our baby is OK with this pampers. And my colleague mentioned not to get too good/expensive pampers when newborn because every now and then you need to change the diapers, so no point getting the really absorbent type. Quite make sense, so we decided to give it a try... and there goes 6 packs at once. Super Kiasu rite...
Total = RM120

Booties and Mittens - RM1.50 per packet. So cheap rite...
Total = RM1.50 x 4 = RM6

PIGEON Disposable Breast Pads
144 pieces for only RM69.90.

PIGEON liquid Cleanser for baby bottles! To get the cheap deals, you have to purchase 4 bottles at once. Total = RM69.90

PIGEONS glass bottles. I would prefer glass than plastic, eventhough both are BPA free. Smaller size for RM48.80 and bigger for RM50.40.
Total = RM99.20

PIGEON baby wipes, 5 packs in one bag.

PIGEON baby clothes... really cheap that I grabbed a lot of newborn clothes here!
Normal long/short sleeve with shorts = RM12 per set
Jumper = RM27
Total = RM12 x 7 + RM27 = RM111

PIGEON mittens, booties and cap! (From left to right)
mitten and bootie set (3 diff colors) = RM9
blue combo set = RM14.32 - one set together with the sleeping jumper!
pink girl combo = RM8
Total = RM31.32

Justin picked this lovely pinky socks for our lil gal! So cute...

We spent RM527.60 in a single receipt and got baby food maker as our free gift which worth RM85. That's the good thing about baby fair because there are lotsa free stuffs!

Pureen baby shampoo..
RM10 only!

Little Bean bottle warmer. Unfortunately Philips does not have this bottle warmer. Hopefully this brand will last.

Philips AVENT steam steriliser.
RM259 ... cheaper by RM30.

Love at first sight. We immediately fell in love with this eye pleasing rocker by Fisher-Price. It's portable and we thought of getting this so that when we are back in Banting, our baby can have sweet afternoon nap in this rocker.. XD I just can't wait for the time to FIX this cute little vibrating rocker for our precious.........

And this Philips AVENT breast pump bought by my bro in US, which cost only RM300. In Msia, it is selling RM899. What a good deal! And thank you for this gift! =)

Baby Cot!! Yeay Yeay!! I fell in love with this white stylish design of baby cot. After discount, it is so much more cheaper looking at the quality of the cot. They charged RM30 for delivery and fixing. We bargained for free gift and the best they can give was "Baby on Board" car sticker. LOL.
Total = RM829 comes with the full set!

Just love the pinky flowery bedding set...

Features :
* Two level adjustable base
* Non toxic finish
* Swivel wheel castor with brakes
* Push to release and double locking system dropside
* Teething rail
* Easy to assemble

Gross Weight : 23 KG
Packaging Size (mm) : 1330 x 140 x 820
Dimension (mm) : 1356 x 788 x 1197

Coconut Fibre Mattress Size : 28" x 52" x 4"

It's made from all natural products with no harmful for baby for sleeping in luxurious comfort.Twins Baby pure coconut fibre mattress is coated in natural latex. The prorous nature of the fibre ensures good ventilation and prevents the accumulation of heat and bacteria. This result in a product that guarantees peaceful and comfortable rest. Especially suitable for baby and children's use.Another benefit of Twins Baby coconut fibre mattress is come with a 10 years warranty against manufacturing defects other than covering material!

Combi Coccoro Car Seat with egg shock. They only have two selections of color, maroon and hazelnut. No choice, hazelnut is the best choice.
RM 750

Combi Miracle Turn Stroller! Just love this stroller because of its lightness and also the 360 wheel turn. Smooth turn in any occassion and handle can be shifted front or back so that you can decide if you want your baby to face you or face the environment. Good for newborn until 4 years and it only weighs 5.8kg. We got this striking orange color!! So pleasant to the eyes... XD I'm just so excited with this stroller and few more months I can use them!! Yippieeee!!

* Suitable for babies from 1 month to 3 years old
* Adjustable reclining backrest from 125° to 170°
* Equipped with "Dacco Seat" to absorb and disperse impact evenly among the backrest
* Equipped with "Egg Shock" padding to protect your child from shocks and vibrations when the stroller is in motion
* Shock absorbing structure together with soft suspension helps absorb up to 93% vibration
* Rigid and durable frame against poor road conditions
* 3-step folding mechanism
* Full canopy with mesh window in front and at the rear
* 3D mesh seat
* Made of moisture-free, rapid dry polyester
* Reversible handle
* 5-point safety harness

Upon purchasing car seat and stroller from combi, they gave free gift "driving stroller" and I bargained again, and got a free MINI FAN! Power of bargaining... hehehe =D

Let's see the grand total of the purhcase! Deng deng deng .....The clothes below are all ordered online and am satisfied with the quality!! RM19 per piece...

Total = RM19 x 4 =+ RM10 (Postage) = RM86


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