Monday, January 24, 2011

Thank you Lord!

FinallY! We got a positive again and which means we are pregnant! Thank you Lord! We've been waiting for this sign for the past few months and yes, thank you Lord! Prayer works and we shall believe our baby will be able to go through the 1st tri successfully, with strong heartbeats, implanted at the womb strongly and developing well! Amen Lord! =)

Friday, January 21, 2011

Any Good news?

Any good news? This is always the common question that people will ask.
Well, period supposed to be due on last wed, 19 Jan 2011, but it didn't come. I thought it might delay 1 day, so I waited the whole 20 jan, and still, didn't come. Ok.. so today hit the 3 day delay and well, any good news for me? I really really really pray and hope that this shall be our great blessing for the start of year 2011.

In fact, I counted the calendar twice and afraid that I might calculated the period due wrongly.

So, we gonna test tmr morning and if it really hits positive, we will be driving straight to SDMC for hormone pills! That was what the gynae promised me last time. God, hear our desire, hear our cry, hear our prayer and answer our desire, answer our prayer!


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