Monday, September 19, 2011

Gynae Visit at 38 Weeks

Baby seems to love the womb as there is still no signs of labour. Hehe.. Anyway, we had our checkup at 38 weeks and unfortunately, I'm still not dilated. So, we've set the date for induce, 28 Sept if there are still no signs of labour. And hopefully, this induce works for me and I don't have to go through any c-sect. Let's pray and believe for the natural!!

Baby is doing fine, but since baby is getting bigger.. it can't fit the scan and thus, the measurement of weight no longer accurate, and is just merely an estimation. The gynae tried to measure the weight, but looks like it has reduced from 3.1 kg to 2.9kg. Nothing to worry about, since the measurement is always (+)(-).

So, let's hope for a better result this Sat at 39 weeks that I'm going for the natural!! =)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Gynae Visit at 37 Weeks

Thank God that it's now full term! Baby is growing well and she put on a very good amount of weight which is 3129gm and she's now measuring 37 weeks 1 day on the scan whereby we should be 37 weeks 2 days. Amniotic fluid content is great and baby has a very happy heartbeat! Baby is head down as well, a very good position for natural birth. All is well with our baby and indeed, we are both proud parents!!

And in this week's checkup, one of the not-so-fun part is when our gynae checked for dilation. Well, it's still closed but the checking moment is soooooo uncomfortable and not-syok. I've been thinking, labour pain will be 100times more painful and uncomfortable than this. LOLLL.

Anyway, we've discussed that we will not go beyond the due date. If baby is still very comfortable inside when we're supposed to due, we will get induced. Hopefully there's no need to induce because we want the experience of a real natural birth, except for the help of epidural (most probably I would need it).

So, the next checkup will be in 38 weeks and hopefully, I'm dilated!!! XD

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thanks to Washing Machine!

And finally, I got my working spirit up on the treadmill and I unpacked all the new baby clothes, baby cot bumpers, comforters, blankets, towels, napkins and dump them all in the washing machine! We bought some baby clothes hanger as well so that it will be easier to hang our baby clothes. Well, this is only part 1 of washing because I can't fit them all in the washing machine. Total rounds of washing = 6 times! Wow...

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Bump @ 36 Weeks

And how much I've slacked in taking bump pictures! So here's one at 36 weeks.. after a longggggg absence on bump updates! Kekeke......

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Nancy Playpen

We were hunting for a cheap, affordable and yet solid playpen so that we can use this when we are back in Swan/Banting. We started to look around at Twins Baby but we were not that happy with the price. It's super expensive. RM500 for a whole set of playpen with mattress. It's not worth it since we won't be using it everyday, but only occasionally. So, we decided to hunt around again and this time, we headed to Parkson. Hopefully they sell cheap playpen. We found one which is quite affordable, RM310 with mattress. Still cheaper compared to the twins baby. Looking at all the materials, they look the same. Due to no stock available... we went to Jusco. And yes, we found the cheapest playpen, RM199 without mattress and add on with mattress, it cost RM270. Ain't it a good bargain? Luckily the one in parkson is out of stock, otherwise we could have already purchased it. This sweet cherry brand looks solid as well and it's the lightest among all, since we will be using this for travel.

Nicely packed in a bag..

The color matches well with our green carpet! XD

And here's how they packed them till that small...

After fixing, this is how it looks!

No diaper change board, but it doesn't matter cause I won't be using it anyway. Satisfied with this purchase since we are looking for a not-so-expensive occasionally used playpen. =D

Gynae Visit at 36 weeks!

Everything went great on our checkup at 36 weeks, 3 Sept. The amniotic fluid content is sufficient, baby's position is really good, head down and our baby's heartbeat is so healthy and strong. A very happy heartbeat! Love her so much!

And we will be seeing our gynae weekly from now on as we are getting closer and closer. Excited! Braxton-Hicks has been kicking in since 32 weeks and it's getting more regular from 1 time a day to 3 times a day.. morning, afternoon and night. Diarrhea seems to be increasing as well.. so, all these symptoms means it will be soon? Hehehe.....

Above all, we thank you for all your prayers and ultimately, we just can't stop thanking our Creator for holding us through till today and the victory is ours! =D

Can't wait for the next checkup at 37 weeks because I will know if I'm dilated! I wish I am ..... hahaha. =D

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