Monday, October 3, 2011

The Popping Story!

Before 23 Sept 2011
Occasional menses cramp, on and off and increases from 1 time a day to 3 times a day. Nothing to be "alarmed" of at this moment...

23 Sept 2011 - Thursday
Looking forward for the Sri Rampai pasar malam but the pasar malam was abolished. I wonder why. Disappointed, went home empty handed and got ourselves prepared for cell group. Realised that there were cramps and it didn't go off. Just got myself confused between cramps and contractions. Are they the same? Is it just Braxton Hicks contractions? But, I felt a bit "funny" like something is not right. Since the cramps were still bearable, we went to cell group happily and I felt a bit of loss concentration because of the cramps that didn't go off and it contracts every 30mins. Cell members prayed for our gal and yes, my feet were so swollen. After cell group, I was still in pain and voila, I got the "bloody show" which means labor is anytime from now! Since this was our first baby, and the cramps didn't go off .. we got a lil of panicky and grabbed our hospital bags and here we were, at SDMC checking in at 11:45pm, on 23 Sept 2011. Was strapped on the CTG to monitor the contractions and baby's heartbeat... everything was ok, and since I was only 1.5cm dilated, Dr Lee decided to send me home and wait for more intense contractions/closer intervals.

The first CTG done on 23 Sept and everything went well.... thought we could meet our gal the next day, but we were sent home. LOL.

24 Sept 2011 - Friday
The cramps didn't go off since the bloody show and I could hardly sleep at night because of the pain. The cramps were more intense in the middle of the night compared to day time. Sometimes it will cramp for every 15mins and if I'm lucky, every 1 hour. But this 1 hour thingy will only happen during daytime. So, on Friday morning.. we decided to visit Dr Lee for a consultation since the pain is quite unbearable. We checked in the clinic at 12pm and I was only 2cm dilated. What a slow labor.. and Dr Lee decided not to induce earlier but let it go really naturally. So, I have to endure! For how many days, not sure! Ok, I requested for MC until 28 Sept, the actual day that we set for induce if baby is still so comfortable in the oven.

26 Sept 2011 - Monday
I was suffering from the all day cramps since 23 Sept 2011 and on Monday, 26 Sept, I called Dr Lee again and requested to induce on 27 Sept instead of 28 Sept, since the pain was already quite unbearable. It got really intense in the middle of the night and when it contracts, I actually had to take a really deep breath and curl up my body or I quickly check on Facebook to get distracted from the pain. This goes on for the whole night and day time, it usually contracts every hour. Unfortunately, Dr Lee was quite tied up on 27; he has 2 surgeries on the day and he has consultation at Taman Megah. No choice, waiting time again....

27 Sept 2011 - Tuesday
We had our appointment on this day to check on the dilation and also the admission at night, 7.30pm. I can hardly walk already on this day because of the cramps. Super crampy!! In my mind.. I was just a bit afraid of the actual labor day because I knew for sure it will be super x100000 more pain than what I was feeling at the moment. Dr Lee checked on dilation again and this time, he said he can touch the baby's head. My heart almost cried when I heard that. Excited and yet a bit of scared. Mixed feelings! But, opening was still 2cm. We do not have to admit on the night, but go to labor room on 28 Sept, 7.30am for induce! Looking at my painful condition, Dr Lee gave some words of comfort... one of it was this "Where got women give birth not pain wan" LOL. I almost laughed when I heard that.

Since we don't have to admit at night, we decided to stay somewhere nearby the hospital so that we can have a good rest before the war tomorrow. We checked in to Dorsett Hotel Subang and it's so convenient. Only behind of SDMC. Cramps got more intense about 7pm onwards and I seriously feel like crying at that time. Super painful!!! Since hotel has bath tub, I soaked myself in warm water and it helps a lot on reducing the pain of the cramps.

28 Sept 2011 - Wednesday
1am ..... The pain was already unbearable, super unbearable and it cramps every 15mins, very intense cramps. At this point, they were no longer called cramps but I would call them CONTRACTIONS! Super super super pain contractions.
2am ..... I cried in pain while Justin was soundly asleep. =.= I woke him up and said, "I really really cannot tahan. Very painful!" He opened his eyes and asked, "Why yeah, contractions ar" and then dozed offf. Sigh.... He fell asleep without listening to me. So fine, I decided to soak myself in hot water again... but this time, even hot water did not help AT ALL! The contractions were too intense that I cried everytime it contracts. Surfing Facebook also does not help. Login to MSN, but no one was online at that time.
4am ..... Contractions came every 5 mins and I was supposed to check in to the hospital already. But I decided to wait a lil longer, let the daddy to be sleep more. Walked around in the hotel room and try to ease the pain. Everytime it contracts, I bend down and curled my body. It was not easy......
5am ...... At tis time, I seriously cannot tahan and almost fainted when it contracts. Cried until no tears. Thought I could wait until 7.30am for the initial plan. But, I knew it was time to go to the hospital before I couldn't walk at all. I even felt the urge to push when contractions came. I took my last bath before checking in to the hospital. Finished my bath and woke Justin up and this time, I really woke him up! He jumped off the bed and quickly get prepared. I had a quick breakfast, milo + bread.
6am ... checking out from hotel and I can't even stand up. One of the hotel worker looked at my condition and asked if everything is ok. In my heart, of course no ... I'm going to labor soon.
6.15am .... arrived at labor room and I was crying like crazy. Couldn't even answer the questions queried by the midwife. Got myself changed, got hooked to the CTG again and I was already 5cm dilated!!! 5cm.................... so, that was the reason why I was in so intense pain! Requested for injection at the butt to reduce the pain.... and looks like it didn't help much. Requested for laughing gas also and at each contractions, I sucked the gas.
7am .... 6cm dilated. And I did not have to induce as planned... it came naturally, so naturally! And baby even decided to come out on her own the day that we've planned to induce. So sweet....
8am ... Dr Lee was supposed to come in at this time to check on me, but thanks to the explosion at Empire Subang which made him got stucked in the jam and he arrived at about 8.30am. He broke the waterbag to speed up the labor. I can feel very warm gush of water flowing after the snipping.....
9am .... 7cm dilated.
10am .... 8cm dilated... and I really cannot bear the pain. Regretted that I didn't request for epidural and at this point, I was thinking of just request for csect. LOL. Funny me!! Still got 2 more cm to go before I can start pushing ... hopefully dilate fast.
11am .... Midwife checked and still 8cm. I was almost breathless at this point of time because of the pain. Dr Lee decided to drip IV to speed up the labor.
11.30am .... 9cm, already felt like pushing but I was not allowed to push. Antenatal class breathing technique helps, the one that they taught on not to push.
11.45am.... finally, 10cm and it was time to PUSH!! So many nurses surrounded me and at each contractions, everyone of them will shout 1,2,3 PUSH!! Hold your breath again and PUSH. I asked the midwife if can vacuum out the baby because I was reallyyyyy tired and breathless and no energy. But baby's head was still quite deep inside and it will be dangerous to vacuum. No choice, 1,2,3 PUSH again. After 4-5 pushes, I can feel the baby's head was almost out... but where's my DOC??? I felt so much urge to push out our baby but I can't because Dr Lee was still not ready. He still had consultation upstairs and the nurse was calling/chasing him to come quickly. Finally, Dr Lee arrived and he quickly prepare for the baby's arrival. And at the final contraction, I pushed out our baby's head ... and I heard Dr Lee said, "Ooopss, shoulder stucked" Dr Lee adjusted a little and I can feel the shoulder was out, and then body and finally ... our baby was placed on my tummy! Immediately, all pain gone!

The very intense contractions ...

Our baby gal, Ashlynn was born at SDMC, weighing 3.02kg, 48cm at 12:13pm!! Our heartthrob!

Our precious gal .................. =D


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